Advantages and Disadvantages of Top load vs. Front load Washer

Choosing the right washing machine for your home has already been discussed in our blog. We have carefully explained what to look out for in a washing machine but making a choice has become even a harder job to do with the latest innovations coming up now. There are more colors to choose from, more styles and some now perform way better than the others.

Having all this in mind, we took out time to evaluate two types of washing machines which include the top load and the front load. We will talk about their advantages and disadvantages, their pricing and the right size for you.

Things you must consider before Buying

What is your budget?

How much money you are willing to spare for a washing machine should be the first thing you have to consider because it will go a long way in guiding your choices. However, do not think that if your budget is low, you will not get a very good washing machine. With the latest innovation in technology and the competition in the market, manufacturers now produce hi-tech washer that are budget friendly.

Your home space and décor

You should know that you won’t want to buy a washing machine and then what to dismantle it before it fits in the space in your home. Also, some furniture in your home and your house structure might just allow for a particular type of washing machine. You have to put all this into consideration so as to make the best choice.

We now go into the advantages and disadvantages of both the top load and the front load types of washing machine.

Top Load

The top load washing machine used to be the most popular type of washing machine. It is considered the traditional type of washing machine for the North America and they are relatively the cheapest. Here is a rundown you its advantages and disadvantage: 

Advantages of a Top Load washing machine

 Easy of the back and joints:  As the name goes, you don’t have to bend so low in order to get your laundry down, you can easily stand and reach.

 Price: They are basically the cheapest type of washing machine and still very efficient. So you have to save some dollar and still have your laundry perfectly done.

 Time saving: It has a shorter washing cycle. This will have save you some good time while achieving a maximum result from your laundry.

 Easy water evaporator: The water from this machine evaporates upwards which makes it easy and minimize molding risk.

• Washing convenience: Sometime because of your busy activities in the house, you might not get all the laundries ready at a time and you might have to add some more cloth at the middle of the washing cycle. It is easy to do that on a top load washer.

Disadvantages of a Top load washing machine

 The tumbling in the front load is cleans more than the twisting mechanism style of the top load.

 Agitators are space consuming and so, the machine may not be able to contain many cloths at a time.

 Washing with top load requires more water and it consumes more energy.

The agitator of the top load washing machine might be rough on some fabrics.

The High Efficiency type of Top load washing machine

With  the High Efficiency, the top load washer got a level up in their innovation because it uses fewer gallons of water than the standard top load washer, it also consume less energy that the standard one but you will have to always check the label  before you shop to know the particular detergent it will be need. Furthermore, the HE still consumes more energy and water when compared with the front load.

Front Load

The front load washing machine was known for its high price. But in the last few years, the prices have come down and are now pocket friendly. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the front load washing machine.

Some of the Advantages of a Front load Washing machine

 Tumbling motion:  With tumbling motion, the clothes are washed cleaner than what a top loader can do.

 High Efficiency: They make you of less water during the washing cycle.

 Saves time: With tumbling motion, water drains from the cloth even as they are being washed and so, the drying time of the dryer will be reduced because it will have less water to dry.

 Convenience: Someone on the wheelchair can easily reach the front load washing machine and in order to save some space, you can stack the washing machine with dryers.

Some of the Disadvantage of a Front Load Washing machine

 The duty of having to bend each time you want to do laundry is a turn off for some people because people with back or waist pain will find it painful and tiring. Alternatively, you can get a pedestal for your front load washer.

 There is a need for more maintenance in front load washer.

To prevent leakage, the door is locked and so, you cannot add more cloths while the washing cycle is on.

You expect mold if you are using a front load washer because water evaporation is difficult.

Front load might suffer the risk of damaging quickly because of the distribution of weight during the washing cycle.

Price and other features

You can get a good washing machine for as low as $500 and as high as $2,000 depending on your budget, space, choice and specifications. The top loaders are considered the cheapest but you can get a front load washer below $1,000.

However, if you go for ones with special features like Wifi connection, app compactible, self-cleaning option, built in sinks and many more, the price will definitely be higher than others. Here, your budget will have to determine your choice.

Tips Enhance the Performance of your Washing Machine

If you do not take care of your washing machine, it will definitely breakdown and damage with time irrespective of the type or style you bought. You might want to adopt these practices to enhance the performance of your washing machine.

• Never overload your washer: Stocking too many cloths insider the washer at a time might be an overload to the machine and this will lead to its damage.

• Use adequate detergent:. Every washing machine comes with owners’ manual. In it, you will find the right amount of detergent adequate for washing. Make sure you always adhere to the instruction. It will ensure proper washing, save your clothes and help your machine last longer.

Open the door periodically between wash: If you want to always do away with unpleasant smells, always make sure that excess water gets out of the washing machine.

You will not get a perfect answer as to which washer you will choose among the two washing machines discussed above. You will only have to work with your needs, your budget, and convenience.  Our washing machine guide is still the best road map to getting the best washing machine.